Corridos sin Fronteras: A New World Ballad Tradition
February 14 - May 9, 2004
Union Station's KCP&L Gallery
Enjoy all the music in this Smithsonian exhibit. Salute the heroes behind the songs and celebrate the tradition of the ballad -- of the "Corridos" -- in both the U.S. and Mexico. Trace the historic evolution of the narrative song, from its humble origins, spread literally by word of mouth, through mass circulation, courtesy of modern recording technology.
Find out more about the story of and the stories behind the songs, through Corridos sin Fronteras, a revolutionary bi-lingual exhibit developed through the Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives and the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.
Follow the historic trail of Corridos through vintage and modern recordings, photos, posters, musical instruments, costumes, documents and other treasured memorabilia.
Explore the significance of Corridos sin Fronteras (Ballads without Borders) to community life.
Meet those who inspired the Corridos, including Pancho Villa and Cesar Chavez.
Discover the latest technology advances through a musical interactive unit and state-of-the-art portable sound system.
Look... Listen... Learn... Enlighten... Corridos sin Fronteras is a historical, musical, technological journey.